What does the "Initial Value" of the "Like This" function indicate?

I am using Generative Design in Revit.
I have a question about the “Like This” option when creating a study.
In “Like This”, the initial value is set to create a study.
I thought that the starting value mentioned in the URL below refers to the initial value, but I was wrong.

For example, if I set the initial value to 500, the help article says the range should be 400 to 600. However, in reality, results from 300 to 700 were displayed.
I would like to know the relationship between the initial value that can be set on this study and the starting value mentioned in the help article.

Some info here on the study types: https://www.generativedesign.org/02-deeper-dive/02-01_algorithms/02-01-04_solvers

The like this will take the initial value and get a random sampling from 20% of the domain below the initial value to 20% of the domain above the initial value. So if your variable range is 0 to 1000, 20% is 200, and the initial starting value of 500 would result in input values between 300 and 700.

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Thank you for your reply.
So, am I correct in understanding that if I choose Like This, the Generative Design will be done at 20% of the maximum value of the variable range?
(like 2000*0.2=400 if it was set from 0 to 2000)


2000 possible options results in values 400 below or 400 above the input value.

The simulated math result would be

sampleSize = 10;
size = 2000;
inputValue = 1234;
range = 0.2 * size;
random = Math.RandomList(sampleSize);
offsets = random * 2 * range;
adjusted  = offsets - range;
studyValue = inputValue-adjusted;
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