What do you search to add the "FamilyType.All" Node from Orchid

I’m trying to rename families, I have used Aussie BIM Gurus method for adding prefix and Suffix to the families name, but it only changes the main family, not the individual types. I’ve read that Orchids “FamilyType.All” node would help resolve this. However, the articles i’ve found that suggest it are from older versions of Dynamo and Revit. What would a similar node be that could accomplish this? I’m using Dynamo 2.19 and Revit 2024 Thank you!

Your description is confusing. Are you wanting to rename the Family or each of the FamilyTypes within a family? In either case, you would only need one of each unique object (one of every family or one of every family’s type).

You have both of these lists already, however, your FamilyType list is only from placed instances and not all loaded types. This mean your list of Families is also only accounting for placed instances. You’re also using FamilyType.Name on a list of Families, which might still work just because of the similarities in API objects and methods, but may not be giving you the output you think it is.

As always, if you provide a screenshot, make sure you pin the node preview bubbles so we can see what your graph is actually doing. Right now we can’t see if any of the nodes aren’t processing their inputs correctly.

Apologies, I’m new to Dynamo. I want to rename each of the family types, not just the family name. Hopefully this image helps better.

You’re getting the Types first but then getting the Family from the Type list and renaming the unique Family rather than the Types. If you want to rename the Types then just get rid of the FamilyType.Family node.

So Simple, thank you! Could I trouble you for one last tip? How would I accomplish this for even non-placed families? I’ve been trying to do this with all elements of category and all elements of family type but without success. This node seems to also only find placed elements, even though I’ve added a third door type.

Just use Clockwork’s All Family Types of Category instead of the All Placed Family Types version.

As an FYI, most “All Elements” nodes are specifically referring to all element instances.


Great that works, I could’ve sworn I already tried it, but I think I was missing some other stuff. It does only change the types though and not the family name as well, I suppose there’s no way to accomplish both in one string, and the types will need to be their own string? No biggie though, I just started a new branch from “Categories”.

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The Family and its Types are two separate objects, so yes, you would need to handle them separately. You can just split off your graph with the same logic using the FamilyType.Family and UniqueItems nodes again to get the list of Families.

If it’s the same naming convention for both, you could even combine the lists back into one and use the same renaming logic.

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Got it, thank you so much!