I want walls outer perimeter faces
a help? Thank you
a help?
You could try something along the lines of this:
All the custom nodes are from Clockwork, except the one marked in green.
Thanks Dimitar
Using version 8 dynamo and spring node does not go
I just try the faces of the external perimeter walls
Thanks Organon
for the answer
I use Dynamo 8 (sigh !!)
I do not read dyn file
Did you filter out some of the information in the dyn that was posted, as that graph filters all walls.
Here’s another file:
WallOuterFaces.dyn (6.4 KB)
The code:
// Walls
walls = RemoveIfNot(items, "Wall");
wallsLevel = walls.GetParameterValueByName("Base Constraint");
wallsByLevel = List.GroupByKey(walls, wallsLevel)["groups"];
w_geom1 = Flatten(wallsByLevel.Geometry()<1>);
w_geom2 = Solid.ByUnion(w_geom1);
w_geom3 = w_geom2.Explode();
// Rooms
roomsLevel = rooms.GetParameterValueByName("Level");
roomsByLevel = List.GroupByKey(rooms, roomsLevel)["groups"];
r_geom1 = Flatten(roomsByLevel.Geometry()<1>);
r_geom2 = Solid.ByUnion(r_geom1);
// Outer faces
bools = w_geom3.DoesIntersect(r_geom2);
indices = List.AllIndicesOf(bools<1>, false);
faces = List.GetItemAtIndex(w_geom3<1>, indices<1>);
Sorry, but i don’t undesrtand what you mean.
Thanks for the answer
@ Organon
I tried it with a long program
yours is better
How can i get the exterior faces of curtain wall panels along with regular walls?