Wall dimensions - One or more dimensions references are or have become invalid

I am trying to create wall dimensions and somehow I keep getting this error. Any ideas?
I read in a revit forum that the wall has been deleted from the central model, but that makes no sense because I am not using a central model, it is a local file.

Here is the workflow. I just created a line, use the wall references, and the active view.

@migueliyus Any luck fixing your problem? I’m running into the same troubles.

me too, did you manage to solve this?

Has any of you found the solution for this? @migueliyus @JST_KB @mochilas.wayuu14 ?

are you filtering elements down to only elements that are parallel first? The real problem with dimensions is zero values are really hard to get rid ofif you add a line and filter down to notnormal before dimensioning, it dimensions fine but if you catch any with overlappng references you get a bunch of zeros which I havent solved for yet