Wall can't be created as analytical model

Hello guys,

The analytical model of wall can be created usually with “Structural→Enable Analytical Model”. I have created a wall in Revit with Dynamo node Wall.ByFace. In Properties of the wall not have structural Option. How can i build analytical model by Revit or Dynamo for the wall? Thanks!



My guess is that your mass face isn’t vertical.

Walls which are not vertical and square cannot have analytical properties enabled in Revit. To illustrate this, try the following:

  1. Make a mass with vertical faces - say an extruded square.
  2. Create a wall by any of the vertical faces, and enable the analytical aspect.
  3. Edit the mass and rotate the top plane or otherwise change it so that the outside face is no longer perfectly vertical.
  4. Select the wall and try to update it to the face.

You’ll get this error: Face defining this vertical Wall is no longer vertical. As far as I know this cannot be avoided - you can cancel or delete but the wall cannot be updated to the new mass. Even removing analytical properties won’t allow it.

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Thank your advice. And i found the by “Wall.ByFace” created wall is as Facewall in Revit not as Wall, it haven’t the properties of analytical model. Have any way to change Facewall to Wall? and i am certain my wall is vertical.

If it be is vertical and not significantly edited than the parameter should be there and can be enabled. Can you upload a Revit file with the mass or provide a screenshot?