Wall.ByFace from Element.Faces

I’m trying to create a Mass instance in my dynamo script, and then create a Wall by Face from it. When I do, I get this error:

“Warning: Wall.ByFace operation failed.
The selected face cannot be used to create a wall. Please use a mass face instead.”

I’m confused, because I think it is a mass face. It doesn’t seem to make a difference how I create the mass- is there another way to extract the faces?

P.S. if you’re wondering why I don’t feed “select face” directly into “wall.byface”, I’m eventually trying to get faces from a Rhino import.

element faces error.dyn (8.6 KB)

do you run this script in the project or the mass family environment?

In the project. It creates the mass correctly, gets the face, but the Wall.ByFace component fails.

Curiously, if I replace Wall.ByFace with CurtainSystem.ByFace everything works correctly, except that I want a wall and not a curtain system.

The notorious a wall can’t be horizontal problem maybe? :slight_smile:

Afraid not, it’s a perfectly normal vertical face for testing purposes.