Hi there,
the crux is having the planning to stay relevant & accurate.
Dates are handled in MS Project, Milestones are more or less fixed concepts, but the challenge is that there are constantly new insights, which asks to change the adherence of elements to the fixed milestones.
So you have to be able to change the granularity of the planning, with an “assymetrical” composition of the SBS that runs the planning.
E.g. 1 underground passage can be demolished all at once, the other will be demolished element by element.
I would like to have 1 parameter that indicates the “SBSstrategy”, resulting in a dozen strategies for 36.000 elements in 4 softwares.
An EIR database in Power BI could keep track of the situation of each element, so you apply the same logic both in Power BI and Dynamo…to not loose your mind, manage the redundancy of your data, and have the ability to check the consistency of the result.
In order not to have tweak a dozen Dynamo script all the time(for composing the SBS), it would be nice if there was a way to tie them to a number of little json or .csv lists that come from the EIR in Power BI…is there somebody who went down this rabbit hole already?
Regarding this script.
It works.
In order to have it more robust, @bvs1982 can you make it more compact at the exit?
-I would change the input of the central Python code, so the identification and function of the tasks types can come from an external source.
-I would like to ditch the selection of elements too, in order to make it more robust.
register appearance from timeliner 02.dyn (159.6 KB)