I’d like to create a Dynamo script that allows me to hide specific model elements (and then preferably export to Navisworks).
I’m needing to do this for a workflow that allows me to open a Design model from the MEPF trades, turn on Plumbing only, then export to Navisworks. Next, turn on Mechanical Duct only, then export to Navisworks, etc.
Ideally this would be used in the Dynamo Player so it’s quick and easy for other users.
Any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated. FYI, I know I can do something similar by transferring project standards, but I’ve created that template in Revit 2024, which means I’d have to recreate it in all older versions to be able to use. I’d prefer it to be quick and easy in a Dynamo player for others to be able to use.
A View Template would work, wouldn’t it? Anything you’d be filtering with Dynamo would likely be filterable with a template as well. If you really need some extra level of control you could at least write a Dynamo script to update values in your template filters rather than trying to do everything, every time.
That would require only one person built the entire model, with nothing workshared and no real links… Must be some REALLY tiny project for that to be the case. That or someone internally has stripped the worksets (I know several GC’s in the states who intentionally do this as they think it is better). In any case if they aren’t worksharing you should start now and then things will be on the correct workset to start with as it will perform better, be more stable, and enable smarter downstream workflows.
Anyway if worksets aren’t an option you can leverage bee templates with category isolation, and then build a graph tk set the template, update the view, and export the model for each template you have. The larger workflow seems broken though and is worth revisiting any and every time you can.
Do what? It would just be building a view template that hides all the elements you don’t want based on categories or filters.
Revit isn’t backwards compatible so there’s no way to move files or content backwards without a workaround. In this case, you’d have to use Dynamo to export view template settings and then “rebuild” them using a separate graph.
Or just build a script that sets the View Templates for you, no need for View Templates in my opinion.
I would start with a View Template that has all Model Categories individually turned off.Then unhide 1 category per view and duplicate that view
I would also fill in the categories you would need to see manually. I mean you either do it every time through selection in Dynamo / Dynamo Player, or you just fill in all possible categories you would need right away.
This would be my idea of a script. Haven’t tested anything but it should put you in the right direction