Unsupported operand types for tuple and float


I have an error message in my python script: TypeError : unsupported operand type(s) for /: ‘tuple’ and ‘float’
this is my following python code, I also added a comment where the error is indicated

#Check if lh is within boundary conditions
def check_lh(lh, ys, p):
    g = 9.81
    lh_min = (ys*3**0,5)/(p*g) #indicating error here
    if lh < lh_min:
        return lh
        return lh_min   

lh = IN[0] #layer height
ys = IN[1] #yield stress
p = IN[2] #density

result = check_lh(lh, ys, p) #indicating error here

OUT = result

The inputs are numbers so I am not sure where the mistake lies

Hi Icha, welcome to the forum :wave:

The comma in the first pair of brackets creates a tuple in Python syntax
Try this
lh_min = ys * 3 ** 0.5 / (p * g)

Thank you!! Found the typo :smile: