Error Msg in python Script : unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'StackValue' and 'int'

Hello, I got this error msg in a python script :
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ‘StackValue’ and ‘int’
Could you help me understand the problem please ?

can you show the warning via screenshot including in/Outcome ? @maroua.sbitiMXXHY

#post your code with</>

you are loopting through your Ids… hmm? what does your script do?

@maroua.sbitiMXXHY too much to speculate, most probably the error is coming from your len input, what are the values coming from len = IN[5]?

You’re right the problem come from len parameter. As my algorithm became bigger, i missed the link for IN [5] . Thank you for noticing that mistake !

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My script extract elements parameter per category and attribute an id article to each category (the article id hold a unit time and unit cost). All these information feed a database that is further used to automate the generation of a construction planning.

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