Unpin elements of multi story stair

In general the problem with the API’s unpin is that it require the multi story stair to be selected and input the levels also. We have around 100 staircase in 12 levels (big project). There are multi story and not multi story stairs, levels are kind of “random”. Some stair is going from lvl 02-08 others are from 00 to 10.

The problem here is multi layered:

-I found it hard to separate multi story and not MS stairs as no parameter refers to their state. The upper level stairs of the MS stairs are simply ignored by dynamo and the first bottom instance is selected.

-I have to input the correct levels I want to unpin. This is pretty much different for every MS staircase.

The whole gymnastics I’m trying to get done is to get the messed up thread numbering sorted on all staircase all across the model. The starting number parameter is locked until the stair is pinned.
Ideally I would need a node that unpins all MS stair in the model.

Here is where I’m standing:

Stairs Renumber.dyn (49.2 KB)

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