Unique items in sublists


Im trying to get a list that have the same structure as the parent list with all unique entries.
To clarify more, the below picture has a parent list (26 entries) consisting of 4 sub-lists:

the third sub-list has the last entry as “15” and is duplicated in the 4th sub-list. what I’m trying to accomplish is this (keep drop the nth entry whenever it is duplicated):

25 entries by dropping the duplicate in the 4th list.

I’ve tried using indexing like this:

but i couldn’t get anywhere.
any help is much appreciated.


Here this might be of help:

list_of_lists = IN[0]

# Step 1: Flatten the list of lists
flattened_list = [item for sublist in list_of_lists for item in sublist]

# Step 2: Use a set to identify unique elements
unique_elements = set(flattened_list)

# Step 3: Create a new list of lists with unique elements only
unique_list_of_lists = []
seen_elements = set()

for sublist in list_of_lists:
    unique_sublist = []
    for item in sublist:
        if item in unique_elements and item not in seen_elements:
    if unique_sublist:

# Output the result
OUT = unique_list_of_lists

Just open a python node and paste this code as it is, it’ll help you get exactly what you trying to do.


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Instead of checking if the last item is repeated, you could just ensure no member of a sub-list repeats in a subsequent one

unique.dyn (13.9 KB)


This is Perfect, Thanks!

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That fixes it, thanks!

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