Uniformly Dimensioned Panel System in Dynamo with Custom Recursive Node

I've been exploring dynamo's abilities as a tool to heighten the abilities of Revit to ease the transition from design to construction as well as exploring custom recursive nodes, and came up with this definition to create a paneling system that follows a curved wall where all the panels have exactly the same dimensions.

The problem with using a divided curve to use as a reference for a paneling system in Revit is that the curve segments are evenly spaced along the line of the curve, but when you create a straight line between the divisions, it loses length, especially along tight, complex curves. Using these points to create a reference for the panels will result in panels with many different widths, which can cause problems in construction.

This Dynamo script instead draws chords of a length determined by the user, one by one, recursively, until it reaches the end of the referenced line. These chords always have the same length and are then used as a reference to populate the wall with a grid of identical panels, making fabrication and construction of the hypothetical wall much easier.

The image shows the main definition with the recursive node called out. The definition at the bottom is the definition within the node, where I have placed the node within itself, creating the recursion that makes this all possible.

Yup, I'm definitely more of a Grasshopper guy exploring Dynamo than a Revit guy exploring Dynamo. This is all just general exploration at the moment to explore the uses of dynamo, so nothing is lost!

Anyways, the core curve dividing script could serve a purpose at the moment simply because Dynamo doesn't seem to have a lot of functionality with divided paths. I may consider coding in another level of logic for working with thick panels as well. The panels would need to hinge around either the inside or outside edge of the previous panel, so the endpoints of the panels wouldn't quite follow a perfect chord system in that situation.

Haha, I felt bad posting the above :) But what you did is impressive anyway! Sounds like you have quite a bit of experience with Grasshopper perhaps?

Oh shoot, you can do that? Haha, looks like I need to brush up on my basic Revit skills. We'll call this one a "Proof of Concept".

Props for the hard work (I'm still trying to get my head around the concept of recursion!) but I have to ask...why not simply use a divided path by chord? Or was this intended more as a proof of concept?

Any chance you could share the files? I learn a lot by reverse engineering others definitions. If you can’t I understand of course. Thanks!