Hi There! Newbie to dynamo looking for any help I can get with creating a script for a screen wall design I am working on at my office.
Here is the spiel - I have a simple screen wall ‘base’ comprised of repetitive, evenly spaced vertical 1x4 members (3/4" x 12’-0" nominal dimension, spaced every 4" apart on center). The vertical members will be infilled with panels, intended to start out denser and longer and gradually transitioning to be shorter and spaced farther apart (gradient) - the max distance they can span apart from each other is 4’-0" (only variable to consider).
A colleague of mine generated a script (attached) from scratch - I would like to now translate or revise this script to reflect actual nominal dimensions and reference Revit families I’ve created (for the vertical members and the infill panels). I’ve been playing around with several of the nodes, trying to replace his “dummy” verticals and infills with actual families, but it seems like the definitions he has are quite specific to surfaces rather than families and I’m drawing a blank as to what I can manipulate.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated !!
I’ve also attached my “starter” dynamo file, where I’ve started with my actual families and set up a few parameters for the verticals and infill panels. But I’ve hit a wall as to how I can begin manipulating the infill panels to randomize and also get smaller in size!!