I have a multiple rooms or space i need to get the boundary for distribution. i am not getting complete 4 point boundary in rectangular room line created for each perpendicular wall.
Kindly Suggest any workflow or process to get the curve based linear or Grid based fixture placement using dynamo.
I want to divide the line for distance of x. on all 4 sides. How i divide this.[quote=“sovitek, post:3, topic:98517, full:true”]
Hi …Try closed loop by curve and a polycurve simplify
This is my Room and i have highlighted in the different color for placing sprinkler fixture. kindly suggest the workflow for this i have tried but i failed. Here i have Attached the Script also.
not sure, do you want simplefy your room boundery curve, then try what i already suggest or get the room/space surface and the perimeter curve…but not 100 if it what you try