UI Random Node Colours


Has anyone experienced the nodes changing colour when they copy? (both ctrl+drag and ctrl+c/v)
I don’t have any extensions installed, and this has happened on both Dynamo Revit 2.3.2 and 2.16.2 (on Revit 2020 and 2023, respectively). It’s not something I can intentionally reproduce, it just starts happening sometimes.

The watch nodes at the bottom are the standard colour and stay that way, but the one titled “Replace List” became purple, then they copy to purple. The green one is a string node that randomly became green (and that one now copies as green). The image here is from a fresh install, so I’m not sure of my options.

I can’t find anything about changing node colour except for extensions, and I don’t have any installed.
Any help would be appreciated.

I believe orkestra does this.

Ah, so it does, thanks.
Still not sure why it decides to do it spontaneously, but at least I can turn the colours off now.