Trying to filter by last number of Element Name

Trying to group all element names that end with same last number together. In the end I want to insert image to family image parameter. Grouping all 0-9 separately.

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Could you explain what your goal is, and what isnt working for you?

Hi @CKD ,

2023-10-25 (Sort and) Group elements by string-value within name.dyn (11.8 KB)

PS: You don’t need the List.SortByKey, but I always add it such that it’s sorted nicely.

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This is great and thank you! Is there still a way to only end with the last number such as 0-9? instead of the group ending in 2-3 number values?

Yes, you could use String.Substring to only get the last letter or number in the string. In this case instead of the String.Split and List.LastItem nodes.

I am way out of my understanding. :frowning:

The basic nodes pretty self explanatory. You even get a small explanation when you hover over the node


But you have to put in some effort yourself.

The issue I am having is the number contains 2 or 3 values at the end. I need it to start at the end and don’t know how honestly.

The issue I am having is the number contains 2 or 3 values at the end.

Couln’t make that out of your original post to be honest.

Also you are given some pointers to have a go at it yourself.
Then, if you’re still stuck, show what you have came up with so far and we can help you from there.

@Daan his solution still applies in your case (i think).

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Thank you Got it!!