Trying to create duct by using line

and you are sure your ducttype is rect ? and your python is version 2.5

i m sure duct type is rectangular duct only

and you can confirm the its Python 2.7 version 2.5

yes , it is

yeah then im not sure at all…try remove all your packages exept dynamoiron python 2.7 and mepover and see if it could help…

i will try.

thanks for your prompt response. could u please provide any web sites/ source for already available scripts / workflows.

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yeah just try remove them to another folder and if it work then we know there are a package conflict, and then you can try add the package again one by one until you find which one there give trouble…i know Bakery gives a lot of conflict if you have that one installed…

I think the best place is this forum here, but there are a lot of videos out there , i like @GavinCrump videos and @jacob.small and @solamour office hour on youtube and many other…or just practice so much you can :wink: :wink: and read so much post here as possible

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some conflict i guess

Perhaps with the package of the first node you showed us?

no worry it isnt a conflict, just say ok, more an information i guess :wink:

Copy the contents of the custom node out to your graph workspace and connect the inputs to it. That will give you any errors that the custom node is having.