please suggest , the way forward.
What does the warning say?
Looks like you should be feeding it the duct element, not the name of the duct element.
I am not so familiar with this node, i don’t know where it has come from by you could try the MEPover package node
the warning is
where is that from ? strange it isnt have mechinicalsystemtype input, i would try with mepover or openmep
there are a few thing there…you need a mechinicalsystemtype instead of categories, something here, and be sure you have dynamoironpython package installed 2.7 version 2.5
Hi not sure, you have dynamoiron package installed ?? and be sure the python is set to python 2 in the node…
thank u , i tried all the option, but i could not find the solution. where is mistake.
allright you feed in a string, try feed in the mechinicaltype element and ducttype element…
this one will more easier if you are using library OpenMEP, python now is more headache:
thank u
probably…could you show all your nodes expanded so we can see whats go through, does it works if you use some of Chuongs nodes ???