Hello Everyone,
Can anyone give me idea how to create triangulation in dynamo stand alone using formulas to avoid manual labor. Hereby m uploading
- the 2d cad file of what my task is
- Revit file created using conceptual massing ( lot of labor work )
- Dynamo file Editing Revit file ( Not Working )
- Dynamo file created from scratch manually laying of points ( Again lot of labor work)
What i expect is a bit of smart way of dealing with the issue …Please Help …Thanks
Compound wall 2d Cad file.dwg (65.8 KB)
Compound wall editing revit file.dyn (10.3 KB)
Compound wall from scratch in dynamo.dyn (60.2 KB)
Compound wall editing revit family.rfa (1.3 MB)
This is the task & reason creating the same in dynamo from scratch