Transparency of solids and/or surfaces in Dynamo

Hi, Im trying to make some surfaces and solids transparent in Dynamo so that I can see what is inside of them. Specifically, Im automating the visualization of reinforced concrete structural designs, and I would like to be able to see the rebar inside of the structures. I dont necessarily want to import those geometries into Revit. Is this possible in Dynamo? Hope someone could help out with this one.


Disable the geometry preview of the solids (select all the nodes making solids, right click the background and select “hide all geometry preview”), then use a GeometryColor.ByGeometryColor node where the geometry you want to see transparent is the geometry input,a nd the color is a color with an Alpha value less than 255 (ie: 127 would be 50% transparent).


Thanks a lot Jacob, it did work very well.

If you are into costum nodes you could try this one here from datashapes as well…


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