Totally off topic here
I’m just wondering what you guys listen to while coding.
I need absolute silence if I’m doing something I find really hard… But otherwise I listen to music, usually metal or trance/techno.
Totally off topic here
I’m just wondering what you guys listen to while coding.
I need absolute silence if I’m doing something I find really hard… But otherwise I listen to music, usually metal or trance/techno.
I listen to whatever, exept my wife
Yeah silence for me, I listen to all sorts of stuff when I’m doing Revit… ‘Nothing but thieves’ right now
Mainly ambient or chilled edm, Brian Eno, Four Tet -or- depending on mood Drone / Doom Metal like Sunn O)))
Imagine dragons(Thunder) and similar genre Electropop, pop rock To keep the vibe high
I listen to music with the least amount of computer trickery in it.
Mostly the Live concerts
From Paco de Lucia to Heilung, Estas Tonne
I listen ska mostly, i think my brain works at that “cadence” any kind of ska, los 3 puntos, Babylon cyrcus, Panteon rococo, etc. old school ska like skatalites works also!!
Honestly, " Monolink " is really good at the moment
Thusfar today on Spotify I have listened to Cirque du Soleil’s Varakia album before my first call, and Nine Inch Nail’s Broken album after that. Breaking for lunch soon and so next I’ll likely get into something Swedish - perhaps a playlist from last year’s Melodifestivalen…
My Spotify wrapped tends to resemble the albums that a squirrel might touch when running away from a cat in a record store…
I eat everything
Some Swedish artists (Håkan Hellström) alot of pods, Elton John, Kiss, Morrissey and Duran Duran
And now I have a movie to watch this weekend… if only I could remember the name.
edit: Thinking of Känn ingen sorg
Depending on the focus needs, I have two primary go-to’s:
I like thethe dusk…there i go deep :
Really depends. Sometimes i need silence (for what is possible in a office) and sometimes i like to put on music.
Genre wise - anything rated to blues, rock, indie, alternative and reggae.
Some go to artists are - Lana Del Rey, Pink Floyd,
Whoopie Cat, Black Pumas and (my last find) Skye & Ross.
Typically I don’t listen to anything. I barely even have music on while driving, lol.
However, an album I have listened to quite a bit when needing to crank out some work is the soundtrack from “The Social Network”.
I mostly listen to LoFi but when my Spotify playlists are on Radio almost anything goes.
i skip on Black Metal, Deathcore and Country music.
I spend roughly 100k minutes listening to music a year so its hard to be picky when all you really want is ambient sound to drown out the inner monolouge trying to derail your focus.
If at home, death metal.
If in office, regularly interruptions to explain how Revit works.
Replace ”Revit” with similar application and I can relate to this 100%
I don’t actually think I know anyone who likes country music.
Hey…nothing beats a good bit of Neil Young