Has anyone gotten Toast messages to work in Dynamo for Revit?
I would like to give a notification after a graph is completed with some stats but I really dont like the aesthetics of a dialog box, which im currently using. It just looks like an error in my opinion…
I’ve seen @GavinCrump do toastmessages in pyRevit but i cant find an example anywhere to do this in Dynamo with a Python Script node
# Load the Python Standard and DesignScript Libraries
import sys
import clr
from Autodesk.Windows import *
from Autodesk.Revit.UI import *
from Autodesk.Internal.InfoCenter import *
result = ResultItem()
result.Title = IN[0]
result.Category = "Dynamo"
result.Timestamp = IN[1]
# Assign your output to the OUT variable.
OUT = result
I hope you’re sitting down… I wish i could use Javascript for all my Dynamo graphs/ jsRevit plugi (hehe) plugin… It’s the only language i used a ton. It comes easy to me, as opposed to C#.
Hey the graph you made has been loading for half an hour, i could have done this faster manually! There’s a popup open on their third monitor waiting for approval…
In all seriousness though. Yeah mostly popups and dialogs just get ignored by the less tech savvy. In this case i made a graph that places openings in walls automatically wherever the walls clash with ducts from linked models. I just want to show an update 'found X clashes, placed X openings"
Yeah thats what i’ve been doing but Toast notifs just look so much nicer
I wrote a load of help documentation to go with all the scripts…
They don’t get read either. People prefer to ring me to ask.
Yeah this is very relatable. It always seems like the docs i make get scrolled through like someone who is accepting some terms of service. Things that go wrong almost always go wrong because the manual wasnt read properly
It’s written in C# and bundled into an exe that pyRevit calls on from what I can tell, so I assume it’s quite/too complex to handle in Python vs just managing it in C#.
I somewhat agree with John, and am exploring C# currently (literally between chapters in his Dynamo ZT course - taking a detour to refine my general C# then back to it…). We’re literally sitting on R25 at my firm right now due to the holdup from updates given it’s OS so I get his point in that regard. Whatever choices/languages we choose, we own the challenges and risks they bear.