How to display a message box to user after definition run is completed?

I’m trying to create a “textbox” with information from dynamo that appears on revit after i run the code on dynamo.
For example, I calculate the reverberation time in dynamo and i would like it to appear on revit with a warning saying that it is “ko” or “ok”, but from what i have been searching i’m starting to doubt if it is possible or not.

Any help is welcome!

Have you tried the Data shapes package? You should find someyhing here to suit your workflow.

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You can also try a python alternative.
Old example but should still be OK. :grinning:

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Hi @Sofia,

Are you testing revit elements? If so, I’d create a parameter and write the reverberation value into that parameter. Then you have various possibilities to display if the value is ok, by either tagging or coloring the elements.

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Calling ctypes to display a pop up notification is a must have skillset. Datashapes does have the possibility of embedding gifs though…

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Hi Ewan!
It’s working perfectly, thank you so much.
But now I’m having a problem with the python script. I need to combine a string and my variable “Tempo de reverberação” in one single output before I show the msgbox.

It would be great if you could help me.

Good to hear you are having some success.
You should try experimenting with adding more inputs.
msg={IN[0],IN[1]} or something similar, no PC available today to check the syntax exactly sorry.