There is no main EnergyAnalysisDetailModel in the document Error

Hi everyone,
I am quite new in Dynamo, and recently I’ve been working on energy analysis using Dynamo Revit, but I keep receiving some bugs and null answers that I don’t have any idea how to resolve them.
I need to import the result of the energy analysis(.xml file) into Dynamo using the “Energy Analysis for Dynamo” package in Dynamo, and take the Annual Energy Cost using this package, but I can’t. Does anyone have any information to help me?

I am stuck here, with this error in my python code:

Warning: ArgumentException : There is no main EnergyAnalysisDetailModel in the document, or the current main EnergyAnalysisDetailModel is not compatible with the option set in the GBXMLExportOptions.
Parameter name: options at Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document.Export(String folder, String name, GBXMLExportOptions options)

This is the .dyn file:
EnergyTest.dyn (21.9 KB)

This is .xml file:
FinalTest.xml.7z (180.2 KB)

Many thanks in advance

Please click here for a detailed description of Detailed Energy Analysis Model API mechanics.

It is most likely that the active document does not contain a Detailed Energy Analysis Model. Once a Detailed Energy Analysis Model is created the python error should not occur.
