The dynamo nodes used by someone else don't work on my computer


I’m trying to run a Dyn script made by a colleague. Basic nodes like List.Create won’t work on my computer. Though when I put List.Create myself, it works fine. Any idea why ?


Are you using the same version of Dynamo?

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Yes, we both use 1.3.2.

There goes my first theory :thinking: Can you upload the dyn for testing?
Have you observed any other behaviors within Dynamo and Revit that are erroneous when dealing with this workflow?

I also get this error message when launching the dyn :

Le cast spécifié n’est pas valide.

_ à ProtoCore.DSASM.Heap.ToHeapObject[T](StackValue heapObject)_
_ à ProtoCore.Lang.Replication.AtLevelHandler.GetElementsAtLevel(StackValue argument, Int32 level, List1 indices, Boolean recordIndices, RuntimeCore runtimeCore)_ _ à ProtoCore.Lang.Replication.AtLevelHandler.<>c__DisplayClass6.<GetElementsAtLevel>b__1(StackValue v, Int32 i)_ _ à System.Linq.Enumerable.<ZipIterator>d__613.MoveNext()_
_ à System.Linq.Enumerable.d__172.MoveNext()_ _ à System.Collections.Generic.List1…ctor(IEnumerable1 collection)_ _ à System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable1 source)_
_ à ProtoCore.Lang.Replication.AtLevelHandler.GetArgumentAtLevel(StackValue argument, AtLevel atLevel, RuntimeCore runtimeCore)_
_ à ProtoCore.Lang.Replication.AtLevelHandler.GetArgumentsAtLevels(List1 arguments, List1 atLevels, RuntimeCore runtimeCore)_
_ à ProtoCore.Lang.Replication.AtLevelHandler.GetArgumentAtLevelStructure(List1 arguments, List1 atLevels, RuntimeCore runtimeCore)_
_ à ProtoCore.DSASM.Executive.Callr(Int32 blockDeclId, Int32 functionIndex, Int32 classIndex, Boolean& explicitCall, Boolean isDynamicCall, Boolean hasDebugInfo)_
_ à ProtoCore.DSASM.Executive.CALLR_Handler(Instruction instruction)_
_ à ProtoCore.DSASM.Executive.Execute(Int32 exeblock, Int32 entry, Language language)_
_ à ProtoCore.DSASM.Executive.Execute(Int32 exeblock, Int32 entry, List1 breakpoints, Language language)_ _ à ProtoCore.DSASM.Executive.BounceUsingExecutive(Executive executive, Int32 exeblock, Int32 entry, StackFrame stackFrame, Int32 locals, Boolean fepRun, Executive exec, List1 breakpoints)_
_ à ProtoScript.Runners.ProtoScriptRunner.ExecuteLive(Core core, RuntimeCore runtimeCore)_
_ à ProtoScript.Runners.LiveRunner.Execute(Boolean isCodeCompiled)_
_ à ProtoScript.Runners.LiveRunner.CompileAndExecute(List1 astList)_ _ à ProtoScript.Runners.LiveRunner.CompileAndExecuteForDeltaExecution(List1 astList)_
_ à ProtoScript.Runners.LiveRunner.SynchronizeInternal(GraphSyncData syncData)_
_ à ProtoScript.Runners.LiveRunner.UpdateGraph(GraphSyncData syncData)_
_ à Dynamo.Scheduler.UpdateGraphAsyncTask.HandleTaskExecutionCore()_
_ à Dynamo.Scheduler.AsyncTask.Execute()_


Now that I’ve erased the nodes around (to make the TROUBLESHOOTING.dyn) and that I created a few nodes to generate the points, this happens :

It appears there is a problem with some ‘Phantom’ :ghost: inputs on the Range node.
Can anyone else replecate this with their Dynamo installation.

New Graph, Place Range Node, settings show as this straight away
I did not chose the Lacing settings, this was set to Longest By Default.


Other than that the errors seem to stem from the Connectors…

My advice, I would abandon this file completely and start again. :thinking: