Task Dialog code work with IronPython2 but not with CPython3

Hi. This is my first Question here at the forum so please forgive me for not being smart enough to format the attached code…

I have a Python node inside Dynamo 2.12.1 with a simple Python code to show a Task Dialog.
The code works fine if the Python node is set to use IronPython2 but it will not work if I change to CPython3.

The code I use is:

# This code will work with IronPython2 but not with CPython3
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.UI import TaskDialog, TaskDialogResult, TaskDialogCommonButtons

main_dialog = TaskDialog("This is the Title")
main_dialog.MainInstruction = "This is the Main Instruction"
main_dialog.MainContent = "This is the Main Content"
main_dialog.FooterText = "This is the Footer Text"
main_dialog.CommonButtons = TaskDialogCommonButtons.Ok | TaskDialogCommonButtons.Cancel

result = main_dialog.Show()

OUT = result

With IronPython the code above will result in a Task Dialog as intended.

With CPython3 the code will result in a error message as in picture below:

The only way I can make a Task Dialog show up with CPython3 is if I use this overloaded version of Show:
Show(String, String, TaskDialogCommonButtons)
[Show Method (String, String, TaskDialogCommonButtons)]
But then I cant add a FooterText, MainContent etc since there are no overloaded version with them.
The code below will work with CPython3 but is limited to show title, Main Instruction and Buttons:

# This works in CPython3 but the Task dialog can only show Title, Main instruction and common buttons.
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.UI import TaskDialog, TaskDialogResult, TaskDialogCommonButtons

title = "This is the Title"
main_instruction = "This is the Main Instruction."
buttons = TaskDialogCommonButtons.Ok | TaskDialogCommonButtons.Cancel

result = TaskDialog.Show(title, main_instruction, buttons)

OUT = result

Why will the first code work with IronPython2 but not with CPython3 and how can I create a Task Dialog with more properties than title, Main Instruction and Buttons in CPython3 ?

Thanks in advance !

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@marcus_hev ,

i had a similar issue with loading libraries…

check out this

Have a look here at Invoking the function. :wink: This method works for other overload commands as well.


it’s an overload issue with PythonNet 2.5.x, see the @Ewan_Opie 's link (not necessarily easy for beginners)

Can’t wait for PythonNet 3.0 :grinning:

I dream that one day PythonNet 3.0 and IronPython3 will be integrated as standard, that would solve a lot of problems


Thanks @Ewan_Opie and @c.poupin
I added the InvokeMember method as suggested in the link and now it works.

(Thanks to @Draxl_Andreas as well)
The final code is as follows:

import clr
import System
from System.Reflection import BindingFlags

from Autodesk.Revit.UI import TaskDialog, TaskDialogCommonButtons, TaskDialogResult

main_dialog = TaskDialog("This is the Title")
main_dialog.MainInstruction = "This is the Main Instruction"
main_dialog.MainContent = "This is the Main Content"
main_dialog.FooterText = "This is the Footer Text"
main_dialog.CommonButtons = TaskDialogCommonButtons.Ok | TaskDialogCommonButtons.Cancel

arguments = []
result = clr.GetClrType(main_dialog.GetType()).InvokeMember("Show", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod , None, main_dialog, arguments)

OUT = result

If I use your script I get a systemerror

Is there something wrong in my settings?
Using show.dialog worked also in Cpython3 but some how not anymore.
I use Windows 10, Revit 2023.1 with pyRevit on my local disk.
What should be causing this error? Windows update? Is it a security-issue? Is a Dynamo-package causing this error? I do not know. I’m not an IT-er.

Here’s my script.
test_dialogbox with Cpython3.dyn (7,6 KB)

hi, I get this when opening your script.

by changing (generative design to none) the warnings go away
not sure if the explanations here are enough but they are the only ones I can give you


Still don’t know why this script doesn’t work in CPython3.
I created a new script with only this code and it doesn’t work in Revit 2022/2023/2024.

import clr

from Autodesk.Revit.UI import TaskDialog

msg = "Works with CPython3"

#show the message dialog box...
TaskDialog.Show("Bericht", msg)

#return a result in Dynamo...
OUT = msg

Who know what’s wrong?

It’s getting even stranger. After creating a new and empty script I see errors.
The last one says:
I’m using also pyRevit 4.8.13