Tag flow direction in 3D view

I’m trying to identify flow direction in a 3D view. So I created two tags (one pointing left and one pointing right). but which one to put depends on the direction of flow and the reading direction of the tag.
In the view plan it’s just make the relation with the X and Y of the direction vector of the flow. In the 3D view i’m trying to pull the vector onto the plane thar represents the direction of the view.
I user the node Transform, but (apparently) the vector is still related to the Identity coordinate system. What I want is get vector only with X and Y terms, so would be related with the view coordinate system.

The python script is this:

# Carregar as bibliotecas DesignScript e padrão do Python
import sys
import clr 

import Autodesk 
import Revit
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import*

import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

viewDirection = doc.ActiveView.ViewDirection


OUT = cs

If anyone can help with the Transform node (or another that accomplish what i’m trying to do) , I appreciate it


I’ve also played with flow directions some time ago. And started from the same way - by ⁸using tags. But that didn’t played well. I can’t remember but something were wrong with the angle of view.

I’ve ended up placing flow arrows by using face-based family on duct’s faces. You may also try this way

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This is an interesting way. It would be great if Revit had a specific flow direction tag (as shown in the system inspector). I submitted this in the Revit ideas (the name is “Flow direction Tag”) But thank you anyway.