I am trying to turn the line below into a void. When I create a surface from it and use Surface.Thicken, it gives the following error message: Warning: Surface.Thicken operation failed. Unable to compute thickened face: LOPT_NO_ORTHO – unable to create orthogonal surface. I don’t understand why it only gives this error message for this curve, as it works fine for the other curves.
Can’t see the totality of the curve, but it usually means something along the lines of the offset surfaces producing a solid which self intersects due to one of the raidii being too tight for the relative thickness.
Looking at what I can see of the geometry it’s likely that a sweep would perform better, and would be more reliable.
- Take the original curve and translate it on the curve’s normal (or whatever axis you want) by the height of your desired profile
- Get the coordinate system at parameter 0 of the original curve
- Draw your desired profile (a rectangle) on the global XY plane so that the shape matches the origin.
- Transform the profile by the coordiante system from number two.
5 ) Use a Solid.BySweep2Rails node to pull the profile (step 4) along the guide curves (steps 0 and 1 respectively).
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