Surface Differance

I have a project where the site has a lagoon. The lagoon boundary will be changing till I get a final design. Therefore, I am trying to split the site/ topo base with the lagoon boundary line from cad . With my attempt, the topo doesn’t get split. How can I accomplish this?
Please see my attempt.
Your help is already greatly appreciated.

Thank you

You are trying to split the solid with the extrusion of the individual curves. You need to join the curves in a polycurve and extrude the polycurve.

Hello Joan,
Thank you,
I thought i was joining them with Spring.LineLoop.Merge. I tried Curve.Join to get a polycurve, but i get Function as result and not a polycurve.
Thank you

That node is looking to join a single curve with another group of curves. That’s why you get “Function” - you’re missing an input. You’ll want to use PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves to combine your list of curves into one polycurve.

Thank you Nick,
I tried the PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves and it gave me a null List

Thank you

I’m guessing the issue is that you have one “exterior” set of curves and four “interior” sets of curves. Try using Group Curves from Archi-lab. That should group joinable curves together. Then you can run your grouped curves through PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves to create multiple polycurves.

Thank you. It worked with Group Curves.