I’m very new to Dynamo and have no background in coding, I appreciate everyone’s help and patience!
I’m trying to write a code to help with sheeting and positioning Interior Elevations, which are typically done by the room their associated with. I’m struggling with trying to use an iterative code block to put the views into sublists based on their associated room. Long term, this plugs into a number of other functions to position them together on the sheet in order, set viewtitles, etc.
In my code, I have the views associated with a Room that matches the view name, but I’m really stumped on how to clump them into sublists around each room. I have a code block to check the room name against the room numbers and pass it onto a list, then move onto the next unique room number, but I get lost when trying to gather the “for” iteratives, the version I have just accumulates all the rooms as it goes in each sublist.
See attached Dynamo file and Revit file.
Int Elevation Dynamo.rvt (1.4 MB)
View Sorting Issue.dyn (79.4 KB)