Structural Framing Column to Revit

Hello everyone,
I’m trying to create structural columns in Dynamo and import them in Revit through the node “Structural Framing Column by Curve” but the column that is imported is aligned wrongly and doesn’t have all the properties of the “standard” family columns. The analytical model is apparently correct which confuses me even more. Can anyone help?


Can you show screenshot of your graph? It will help others to understand better.

what is the value your getting for “StructuralFamingColumByCurve”?

Hi Kulkul,
I’ve solved using a different node, I’m now using the Family Instance by Point and Level. Have you used the node Structural Framing Column before and did it worked ok?

It is working from my side:

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I am getting this warning:

Warning: StructuralFraming.ColumnByCurve operation failed.
The end of the curve for creating a column should be above the start of the curve.

when using “StructuralFraming.ColumnbyCurve”. Any ideas how to resolve this? Thanks.

Just a guess, but maybe run a check to make sure your curves have a lower startpoint z than endpoint z. If not, reverse the curve and it should work.

Dear KulKul,
Could you advise
how can I get from the result of “StructuralFamingColumByCurve” node, which is Structural framing, elements or instances. I need to rotate the Columns after. And the nod Set Rotation is asking for elements not Str framing.

Hi @m.shcheblykin

Could you please start a new topic, showing complete graph with all the previews on.

Last node input should be “structural column types” instead of “structural framing types”

hi i have same problem when i use structural framing column by curve
did you find the problem! 3

Hi there,

It’s been a while since I visited this and don’t think I ever got this resolved. Hope you’re able to find a solution.


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@Jeff_Shaver @lreklaoui
Hi all,

As Jeff said, the Z position and the Level relation is important.
If using a line, need to check start point of the line and if the z point is higher than level, it isnt working.
If you draw a line in Revit view, you should be care of the click order of creation line.
First click will be start point and the last click will be the end point of line.
Remember always column be created bottom to top, not upside down.

Hope you resolve it.

Sweet as.

I am still facing this same issue and I could not find the answer. please help!