I can’t figure out how to use String.Replace with lists.
I want to replace strings “AA” with “00”, “BB” with “01” and “CC” with “02”. But I only get to change some of them.
See picture.
Another option:
Edit - and if you need the same order:
Edit2 - not sure why it doesn’t return a single value, but I guess it could be nice to know which replacement value was used…
def replaceAll(item,searches,replacements)
return = [Imperative]
search = DSCore.List.FilterByBoolMask(searches,DSCore.String.Contains(item,searches))["in"][0];
replace = DSCore.List.FilterByBoolMask(replacements,DSCore.String.Contains(item,searches))["in"][0];
new = DSCore.String.Replace(item,search,replace);
return = new;
Thank you guys, these are all good solutions! Personally for now I prefer using nodes rather than all these codes, because it is easier to understand if something needs to be tweaked thanks.
Hello Nick
the node If Equal return index from wich package is it?
It’s its own package.