Steps on how to automate repetitive test fit project in dynamo

Greetings! I am having a hard time taking the first step and I am confused on how to go about this task. Would be great if steps can be explained. I am very new to Dynamo.

I am working on multiple Tenant Test fit projects and I want to automate them. All of these are similar in nature and elements but with different arrangements. The building shell exists and a CAD composite is imported into Revit to design the interior. The core idea and elements of the CAD stay the same however the spatial arrangment changes.

Same Revit components like fences, doors, bollards have to be placed in specific rooms. I have attached an image below which describes the similarites.

A room for example storage room in both the projects will have same perimieter boundary fence, gates types and sizes (different gate numbers), same floor finish, same keynotes. The only thing that will change is the arrangment of the zone, shape or size in the new buildng and this will be reflected on the new CAD import.

I need help in understanding how to go about developing a dynamo workflow for this. My first idea was if somehow a script could detect certain lines on CAD and paste separation lines on it and assign a room. But how is that detection done? I dont know.

I have done 2 whole similar projects. My firms wants to keep me on the team to do more but I feel like these repetitve tasks waste employees time and can be done smartly.

You’ll want to define a custom ‘object’ with the basic shape and properties as a start. These objects can then be adjusted (manipulate the properties of the object by pulling the property, use geometry manipulation tools on the data returned, and set the property to the manipulated) and positioned/oriented in mass (pull the properties and use a Geometry.Transform node to locate and orient the geometry relative to a coordinate system in the context of the building, then set the property to the relocated data).

Might sound tough and at first it will be. Fortunately you can use a Dictionary in Dynamo to serve as the object. Also on the really good news front you don’t need Revit to work on it at this level (Dynamo sandbox will work - you can save family properties to a CSV which can drive object creation later), and Generative Design can then help you optimize the starting effort for your layouts.

Give it a shot and see what you come up with!