I am trying to use a script to place spot coordinates to each instance of a family. All the information collects fine, but the Clockwork node SpotCoordinate.ByPoint is not working and return Null. When I try to edit the node, I get a Python error message. I am using Revit 2022 and Dynamo 2.12. Error message shown below:
Spot Coordinates at insertion point.dyn (17.2 KB)
Can anyone please assist ?
Hi @darrenpedder ,
Glad to have you back on forum, please go ahead with this post in the link Here👈 Hoping it’ll resolve your issue, i could look into it thoroughly but I’m running bit on a time crunch. If it still doesn’t resolve your issue please revert back. I’ll try to go through it if not resolved but i’m sure in the mean time experts here will resolve it.
Hi Bharat,
I did find that post too, but I was getting an error in the python script as attached.

It is this line:
e.append(doc.Create.NewSpotCoordinate(v, FamilyInstance.GetReferenceByName(r,“Center (Left/Right)”), p, o, n, p, True))
I am not great at Python, so difficult to understand why the string is null.