I have been working on a graph that will automate the placemnt of spot elevation on different elements.
I got it to work in genral, but for some reason it sometimes doesnt tag the element, even though i have filtered out the right point for it to be able to do so.
I know the must be something i’m missing but cant seem to find the error.
In the picture provide below you can see it tags the wall sweep on top as expected, but not the bottom one
Below is picture of my graph. I have built in the way where i get the surfaces from selcted geometry. Filter out the ones with heigst Z-value and the filter the point by the closest distance to the view.plane of the section.
Hi Kai
Thanks for your suggestion.
But I would not like to use the detal curve soultions as this script is rolled out in a lager company so if think this soultion could be a huge source to erros if people dont update after the change model elements.
Hi sovitek
I think this could a viable soultion, but I would still like to find out the reason my graph produces the 1 as null (for learning purposes).
But i might try to work with your apporach about getting the references as it would be more effecint than working with geometry