Split PDF

Hi all,

Does anyone know if there has been a node developed to split a PDF? I know it can be done in python but a new library would need to be added and this is bad practice. I have been looking for a zero-touch node but I cannot find one. If one has not been created I will press on and maybe create one down the road.


Haven’t use that much processing pdfs in Dynamo, doing that outside in Python. But wouldn’t a customized node work for you? No library needed, and no maintenance as well.

Python cannot natively split or combined PDF. A customized zero-touch node would work as c# can natively handle this (I believe). I do not have the time at the moment to build zero-touch node so I was simply asking if anyone knows of one already developed.

If you know of a way to do this in python without adding a library would you mind sharing? Everything I found online recommends to use PyPDF2. I was not able to find a way in python to split a PDF without importing a library.

Thank for the reply @architectcoding

I hope I was clear in my response. If not my apologies.

Oh sorry Steven, I thought you were referring to not using a dynamo library, my bad.
Yeah, you are right, Python needs that library to get the job done, so nop, you definitely needs a library in python.

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