I’m trying out the PDF export nodes from the package Archi-lab but I have the following problem. I followed pretty much everything in the article about these nodes from the archilab website. http://archi-lab.net/printing-pdfs-w-dynamo/
The script works, as you can see it can read all the 14 sheets of the sheet selection. When I open the PDF it only contains 1 page (the first sheet of the sheet selection).
I’ve already tried but if I do that it prints the PDF’s all seperately. I know it’s possible to combine them afterwards in acrobat itself but this is not really what I’m looking for.
My apologies for the late response. Didn’t have much time for working on this graph. In which package can I find the ‘Input.wait’ node and the ‘Views.ToFilePaths’ node?
Also, what is the input for views in the ‘Views.ToFilePaths’ node?
You forgot to input the filepaths in the Print PDF node.
You need to input as many printsettings as views. So in you case 4 printsettings.
It’s useful when the formats are differents.
It’s still not good for the number of printsettings.
In the input TargetPDF of the node MergePDF, you need to input a Filepath and not a Filename.
To do this, you can use the FilenameToFilePaths node again.
In the Passthrough node, invert the inputs Passthrough and waitfor.
I’ve tried it once more this morning with multiple print settings but it’s still printing the sheet seperately. Is it also possible that the PDF printer which I use, cause this problem? Perhaps you could show an example of your graph which works for you?
So, the printing of sheets works now !
I advise you to connect the sorted list of the SortByKey node to the input Views of the Print PDF node, to always have your lists in the same order.
Add a List.Create after the codeblock “Testboek”.
The node “Filename.ToFilePaths” works only with a list.
When the script is completed, the PDFCreator menu pops out and I still need to save the sheets seperately. Even when I override those 4 PDF’s nothing happens.