Spellcheck All Text Notes in Entire Project

Using “Dynamo” to spell check all text notes in entire project regardless of text type.

Use Dynamo to select all text notes in entire project.


Using Element.SelectInView from Steam Nodes Package


This will Select all text notes in entire project, while all text notes are selected run Spell Check!


I am trying to use this node but there are two imputs for it in the newer version. What do I need to add to get it to work?


Hi @evan

Could you show us your complete graph with all the previews expanded.

it seems to work other than there are two inputs.

Double click on the custom node and add suffix Underscore _ for the inputs.

@Kulkul sorry for my ignorance. I am still trying to figure this stuff out. This is what I get when I double click on the custom node.

Input: Rename from Element to Element_

Input: Rename from Refresh(Boolean) to Refresh(Boolean)_

You could in theory look at this example: https://archi-lab.net/spell-checking-w-dynamo/

Hope it helps.
