Sorting categories by three parameters


I am having a problem with sorting Revit categories by three parameters, I am quite new to Dynamo.

I have no problem with doing it on two parameters:

What I want to do is take three parameters from the Rooms category (“Area”, “Level”, “Name”) and create a list for each “Name” including sum of all the areas on each “Level”.
Lists should look like:

  1. Name 1 (GEA): Level 00: sum of all GEA areas from level 00; Level 01: sum of all GEA areas from level 01.
  2. NAme 2 (GIA): Level 00: sum of all GIA areas from level 00; Level 01: sum of all GIA areas from level 01.

This is what I have so far, as a start. I tried many combinations of sorting but I cant get it right.

Thanks for help.

You need to sort everything by the same key so your list structure stays the same. Then you can group them.


Thank you!
Totally forgot to replay.
Works great!

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