I am having a problem with sorting Revit categories by three parameters, I am quite new to Dynamo.
I have no problem with doing it on two parameters:
What I want to do is take three parameters from the Rooms category (“Area”, “Level”, “Name”) and create a list for each “Name” including sum of all the areas on each “Level”.
Lists should look like:
- Name 1 (GEA): Level 00: sum of all GEA areas from level 00; Level 01: sum of all GEA areas from level 01.
- NAme 2 (GIA): Level 00: sum of all GIA areas from level 00; Level 01: sum of all GIA areas from level 01.
This is what I have so far, as a start. I tried many combinations of sorting but I cant get it right.
Thanks for help.