I have attempted to sort curves such that the start point and end point are sequenced from west to east and south to north I have been trying to arrange a list of nested points by their distance to a master point located south west of the project.
Note, this problem is dealing with points in the X and Y and not Z. (Position in plan)
I have succeeded in changing the sequence of a single curve by arranging the start and end point (as per above requirement) using the sortkey node. (KEYS-distances of points to master point and LIST - start and end points)
However, I’m now finding it difficult to apply the same technique for a number of curves. The node needs to be adapted to suit the increased data. My first attempt was to use list mapping in combination with the sort key node but i did not have any luck.
I have attached a dyn file that shows the single curve point sequence that was successful.
I’m currently still working on more attempts for working with multiple curves and will post progress when I have it.
The last image outlines the problem at hand.
There are also some screen shots of the single node to explain the process.
I would love to know if anyone can help with this problem?
start point and end point fix single curve.dyn (37.3 KB)