Sort randomly created and then copied instances in revit

Hello guys,

I am new to dynamo (and coding) and trying to do some stuff here :slight_smile: So I have created some columns in revit that are vertical and they supposed to be numbered 1,2,3,4,… In the same alignment I have also created slanted columns which are also supposed to be numbered 1,2,3,4,… Vertical columns were created in a correct sequence while slanted ones were created in a random fashion. I took this one alignment and copied it multiple times and modified the angles of the slanted columns. At this point the parameter name Mark is empty. So I went to dynamo and created a script to extract the parameter values sorting by IDs. When I change the values in excel and run a reverse script, I get the following:

  1. Vertical columns are numbered correctly (because they were created in correct order)
  2. The slanted columns are numbered wrong/randomly (column 1 becomes f.x. 22, column 22 f.x. 5 and so on)

My question is what can I do to make it work? Sort randomly created instances according to my selected sequence?
Thanks in advance.

Please share the Revit (preferably a purged copy with just the relevant columns) and Dynamo files you’ve mentioned above.

I have attached the rvt model with couple alignments of columns in the link below. The vertical ones are named correctly. The inclined ones should start as: alignment letter-incl-001;002;003;… I have also attached dynamo files I used for export from revit and import to revit. Please see the link below.

Requested files

@pa.pavel.antonov From my limited understanding of your real issue or the motive, I’ve modified the file New jet grouting revit to xlsx.dyn
See if it helps.
New jet grouting revit to xlsx-20160722.dyn (11.8 KB)