If I remember back to my adventures of fiddling with the UI.MultipleInputForm++ python code, I don’t remember it being easy to change the aesthetics of the window, just the funcitonality of buttons, logo, data input types.
However it must be possible, for me to have an input dropdown node that I’ve modified.
IN[0] should be a true boolean.
IN[1] should be the list of input options.
#Copyright(c) 2015, Dimitar Venkov
# @5devene, dimitar.ven@gmail.com
#Modified by @josols ,josols@hotmail.com for QRCoder
#Modernized by @t.large, largett97@gmail.com
import clr
from System.Drawing import Point, Color, Font
from System.Windows.Forms import *
from System import Array, Object
def tolist(obj1):
if hasattr(obj1,"__iter__"): return obj1
else: return [obj1]
class DropDownForm(Form):
def __init__(self):
self.Text = "Fabrication Services"
self.TopMost = True
self.Width = 340
self.Height = 112
self.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(40,40,40)
self.ControlBox = False
self.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog
self.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
self.combo1 = ComboBox()
self.combo1.Location = Point(5, 5)
self.combo1.Width = 325
self.combo1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(53,53,53)
self.combo1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(234,234,234)
self.combo1.Font = Font("Calibri", 11)
self.combo1.MouseClick += self.expand
self.button1 = Button()
self.button1.Text = 'Select'
self.button1.AutoSize = True
self.button1.Width = 325
self.button1.Location = Point(5, 42)
self.button1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(234,234,234)
self.button1.Font = Font("Calibri", 11)
self.button1.Click += self.save
def expand(self, sender, event):
self.combo1.DroppedDown = True
def add_range(self,l1):
if l1.Length >= 1:
self.combo1.SelectedIndex = 0
def save(self, sender, event):
self.output1 = self.combo1.SelectedItem
Test = IN[1]
ArrayList = list(Test)
l1_arr = Array[Object](ArrayList)
form = DropDownForm()
OUT = form.output1
With the above code pasted into a Python Node, you are able to edit some of the aesthetic options of the User Interface window. However I don’t think you can adjust features such as rounded edges, unfortunately. Although I am sure there is someone with more knowledge of UI windows.
On a side note, if anyone uses this code, please let me know what you think