I was wondering if this could be a challenge for others to make the most beautiful snowflake. In my case I used the Dynamo sandbox to print the snowflake on a 3d printer.
Thank you. This is very nice @Vikram_Subbaiah. But it is unfortunately for me and my printer not printable. I hope to find a solution to limit the maximum overhang to 50 degrees in some time.
snowflake.dyn (15.7 KB)
That should do the work for printing - since it is outputing a solid only.
I tried replicating the generator at the link you sent.
The code could be better, but for a first draft it’s ok.
It is all ProtoGeometry and can be done with nodes.
And the use of Generative Design is awesome! Adding a ‘write to stl’ which has a GUID generation for the name and you might be able to generate and then fabricate an entire blizzard…