Show/Hide grid bubble

I came up with this simple graph that should be turning on or off the grid bubble at start and end based on user input but it’s not working and I can’t understand why.

Can you help me?

You’re performing the action and then passing along the element. Move the if statements to before the show/hide grid bubble nodes (this means you need 2x the booleans).

Alternatively you could generate a list from the selection and use a List.FilterByBoolMask node to pass the elements for Start Bubble and the elements for End Bubble as IN (show) or OUT (hide).

Hi @jacob.small,

I think I didn’t quite understand your solution. I tried the following but it doesn’t work. I expected the if block to “passthrough” the list of elements to the show/hide bubble nodes based on the bools but I guess i’m not thinking right…

all of your if statements are incomplete. In a code block (double click in the workspace to start one) type null; and wire the output from that into the empty inputs of the if statement. You could also try using an empty list ([]; in a code block, or use the node).


Thanks a lot

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