Show Conflicts Between Structure and Pipes

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Hello everyone, for my end-of-year project I have to detect clashes between the structure of my revit model and the pipes in the basement. To put it simply, as soon as a pipe crosses a beam, I would like to create a label via dynamo, which indicates the conflict.

Original post below

Bonjour à tous, pour mon projet de fin d’année je dois détecter les clashs entre la structure de ma maquette revit et les canalisations en sous sol. Pour faire simple, dès qu’une canalisation traverse une poutre, j’aimerais créer une étiquette via dynamo, qui indique le conflit.

@amaheSBXZD welcome to the forum. The official language is English. This is a requirement for search to work. Annars skulle jag träna på min svenska i alla mina svar. Translate your posts in the future using your translator of choice, keeping your original post in a separate area as I did above.

As for your query, what have you tried so far?

Refer to this post: How to get help on the Dynamo forums

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Det går da rigtig bra :wink:

It really isn’t, but I can read ads on the bus and such now. :rofl:

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Yes its like dynamo…practice :wink: :wink: but swedish isnt so easy as dynamo :wink:

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