Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews operation failed


This wrong behaviour of the tool
have not been resolved yet at least with Dynamo 2.0.2.
Warning: Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews operation failed.

I copy here the same comments I added in that thread.

I got the same behaviour. It comes when you try to generate views in the same workflow of placing them in a sheet.
I think this is a faulty behaviour of Dynamo. The views keep the original size when they were created no matter you try to apply later a scope box. No matter if you try to apply a passtrough before Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews is going to pick up the views from the “original existence” with the corresponding size. In fact, if you create views from different ways you realise it only catches the “first view” was created.

I tried to use SetCropRegion of Rhythm and it did not work. In fact it even gave problems to generate the views.

I managed to get they to be inserted in the sheet with the tool Create Viewport of Rhythm but with the problem of viewport title line fit with the original size of the view. Even it is clearly smaller because the scope box you applied.

Obviously if you insert that created view in Revit you are not going to have that wrong behaviour.

It is frustrating how badly Dynamo works specially with the sequence of process.

Post a sample RVT and the DYN you are getting these results with. Note that there are other users in the thread you linked that got this working, but had to work with list levels and lacing to make it work. It’s difficult logic and requires a lot of knowledge of the Revit API as well.

My guess is that you have this and an order of operations to deal with, but it’s a guess due to the lack of information you’re giving at this time.

In the image attached should be possible to see the sections are inserted in the sheet with a incorrect size of the title line (the size seems to be related with the “original size of the views” before were applied the scope box). I forgot to comment the sections are generated with the tool SectionView.ByCoordinateSystemMinPointMaxPoint.

I applied the scope boxes before go to the sheet because my goal is to locate them the best possible.

If there is no other solution, in the meantime this tool is repaired, maybe I can try to duplicate the views from the sheet and to insert in the definitive sheet after change twice the scope box. Maybe so I get Dynamo lost the associated size of the original view. I am going to try to change the view title, to other and change maybe so adjust…but I am afraid it is going to keep the “original size”.

Notice this is not a problem with the title line. If I insert the view in other sheet in Revit it fits as expected, properly.

I am working in Revit 2019.2 Dynamo 2.0.2

Thank you.

The solution of duplicating views after the sheet have been set worked. This probably can be done in many ways. This workaround sort out the issue.

We would really need these two things to help. Otherwise we would have to:

  • Start a new project.
  • Draw some model elements so we know views are being created.
  • Start a new dyn.
  • Set up view creation.
  • Set up crop region adjustment.
  • Set up sheet creation.

Each time we do any of the above we have to guess at how you are doing, doubly so as data structure will matter here.

Here the link of the test project.

And the link of the dyn archive. Sorry it is very messy at the moment because I was checking the main things…

Thank you

Have you tried using Transaction.End and Transaction.Start nodes to make Revit “save” the work that has been done?

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Yes. That worked.
It resolved not only the creation of sheet but other future process which were not working properly.

Thank you very much.

Great to hear! please mark a solution for the post.