Hi all,
I have created Dynamo for creating views and place this views on sheets by taking reference from the excel file.
This dynamo is work fine for Revit 2017 and earlier version but when i run this dynamo on Revit 2018.1 Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndView node not working and i get following error.
Your view is larger than the titleblock. You will need to crop your view or change the scale first.
Its not working after changing the scale.
We upgrade our Template files from 2017 to 2018. This dynamo is worked perfectly for Revit 2017 but not for upgraded Template of Revit 2018.
Post a screenshot showing the error and your DYN please. I only have access to 2017 so I won’t ask for the template in question, but if you could tell me how large your view is and what the scale of the drawing is it will help.
Hi Jacob,
I have attached the dynamo file ,excel file and error message.
08_Arch_View_Sheet_Creation.xlsx (9.4 KB)
View_Sheet_Creation.dyn (17.0 KB)

View scale is 1/8"-1’ and view is 120’ w x 60’ h
The view is larger than the titleblock which is either a scale issue, a crop not being on (or an annotation crop not being on), or a note having been copied way off to the right.
Place the view on a sheet manually and have a look to see which it is.
Manually its work perfectly.Same dynamo is working without error on Revit 2017.2.2
I am getting this when I feed a list to 1,2,4 and a titleblock to 3. all lists match…