Setting rebar container dimensions in Dynamo (Dynamo for Rebar)

If I understand you correctly, your haipins consist of 3 separate curves and are therefore 3 separate rebar segments. Do you then somehow merge these three so that Revit recognises it as a single rebar entity, or do you just leave it as 3 separate entities (I imagine that complicates your bending schedules)?

I’ve considered creating the chairs using the multiplanar tool, but I have to place all my reinforcement in 3D using Dynamo (no work to be done in Revit) and the host element is a circular foundation. I therefore need to place each chair using a reference base point and adjust the parameters to achieve the desired shapes (they get taller and narrower towards the center, generic families used in the image):

I’ve not figured out how to use the ‘shape code families’ (this is what you’d create using the multi-planar tool you referenced) in Dynamo to place reinforcement elements in 3D space, I’ve only generated them by curves, however it’s probably possible. This is why I resorted to generic models for the chairs. I suppose you just need to know how to access and combine the various parameters (split across a few families/types) to define the required bars:

I’m quite new to Dynamo so I still have much to figure out. Thanks for your responses, they’ve been very helpful.