I was trying to make a script to modify/ adjust parameters in a family type according my excel file. The excel file (currently has 3 columns as parameters) and I want to expand this to more parameters if it’s possible to set parameters.
The graph worked untill the List.getitematindex. After this I was trying to filter all the elements with a window mark (1-20) but somehow it didn’t read the value.
I also do not recognise the ElementFilter.ByParameterEquals node. Did you try to replace the node with “Element.SetParameter.ByName”, instead of the one that you are using now?
Put a Element.GetParamterValueByName node after the node All Elements of FAmily Type
And input in parametername: “kozijn_merk”
So we know a little more
Somehow this solution worked :’) I don’t know why. Thanks for the alternative graph, but the main goal is to modify parameters by only using an excel file. Maybe I’ll contact you in the future for some easy questions. I just saw you are Dutch as well.